Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Weight Gain Searching

I have a 3 yrs. old and a 16 mons. old boys. After I had the second one, I did put some extra pounds 'though it wasn't a lot that would make me looked fat, but it was the belly that I was concernced the most. I can't wear fitting tops and if I would, the bulge or the fold would show off when I sit. That made me so conscious..just that part of my body the rest were fine. One incident that I came up with a decision to worked on loosing the belly was when I saw a picture of mine taken together with my friends. I was shocked to see my tummy!!! I was always been a skinny person and gaining weight is not so easy for me. From then on, I tried to cut my meals since I wasn't breastfeeding anymore. I used to eat plenty of rice (which filipinos are known to eat a lot of rice). I tried not to eat too much even if I wanted more. Excercising didn't work for me 'coz I couldn't find any time to do it. I've got so many things to take care around the house and plus the kids. So I concetrated on the amount of food intake. After two months, I lost most of the fat and that was when my second child became very active---crawling, walking, running, climbing. And here's my frist son too who wanted to play all the time. Guess what? that burned a lot of my energy. And my problem now is I lost extra weights beyond the ideal numbers I wanted to keep. Since I just can't sit down and enjoy my meals all the time and only get a chance to relax for a little bit, I need to seek and I guess rely on something that would help me gain at least 7 lbs. back...not so much huh! I searched over internet what are the products I can take and I ran into so many brands. But I decided to picked the Pro Performance Weight Gainer 1850 Gold from GNC. I read some reviews about it and they said it really worked for those who wanted to gain. Plus I don't have to go through internet hassles to get the product 'coz there's a store close enough to go to. So yesterday I drove by there and got it on sale which is a bonus. This morning I tried using it for only 1 cup to start with since the lady I asked at the store recommended me of doing such for the size of my body. Isn't it funny how I am trying to put some weight and a lot out there are struggling to loose it? Anyway, hope this thing works for me either. We'll see....

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